I was born in Washington D.C. in 1954, the year Elvis Presley recorded his first record. I consider myself a child of the birth of rock and roll era. Being part of the original baby boomers, I enjoyed my formative years watching the transformation of this country through the sixties. My immediate peers were heavily involved in music which included being in bands, touring, and producing recordings.
In the early 1970’s, my college education did not result in graduation as my life outside University was becoming more attractive. Many years of making music, producing albums, touring on the road and odd jobs here and there eventually brought me to being a $5-an-hour house painter’s helper.
Being ambitious, I painted houses and buildings for the next decade. It was during this period, I came to fully understand how proper use of applications results in a better outcomes. How to best prepare a surface, how different paint products interact with each other, I became an expert painter. My high point was painting a dozen 6 over 6 double hung windows in one day – in other words, an exceptional amount of precision production painting.

Mix this with an innate ability to seek out new connections, I eventually threw in with a group of downtown artists who were renovating buildings in questionable D.C. neighborhoods. Each of us had a particular skill, and I was the painter guy. This allowed me to expand my repertoire to include all facets of building – electrical, plumbing, masonry and carpentry. This was fantastic because we were all artists and the rule “it’s art, there are no rules,” made everything a creative experiment.
After a while, watching other people create art wasn’t enough for me. So, at some point in 1990 I made my first wooden stretcher, stretched canvas on it and began painting. One of the earliest paintings I did called “(a mile off) Dry Tortugas” hangs on the wall at the foot my bed. I wake up every morning looking at it.
At this point I can build my own canvas stretchers and do a fair amount of rudimentary framing. My main framer for many years is the incomparable Spencer Zarin in Rockville, MD you can find him here
* 100% written by a human being